Providing Physicians a Home...

Welcome to Chesley, Ontario!
Your new destination to enrich your personal lifestyle and your rewarding medical practice.

Hospital & Clinic

Learn what makes the Chesley Hospital and Medical Clinic a great choice for you.

Chesley & Area

Explore Chesley & Area and why Bruce County is a world class tourist destination.


Resources and links to help educate you on the local area and all it has to offer.
Get In Touch With Our Team!


  • Inna Genkin MD, CCFP

    Enhanced Skills Women’s Health Graduate
    "I had a fantastic experience as a locum in Chesley. It was my first locum after completing residency and I was able to easily adapt to the environment because all of the nurses and administrative staff ensure that everything that they are able to is taken care of. The nurses do a wonderful job of ensuring follow up with the patients and they streamlined everything for me. Jess the biller and administrative assistant took care of all the billing and the referrals. Sharon set me up with a comfortable and stocked apartment and made sure that I had everything while I stayed in Chesley for the duration of my locum. Everyone was very kind and welcoming. I plan to return to Chesley for further locum work."
  • Dr. William Dunlop

    November 2017
    "I have been coming to Chesley as a locum in the clinic and the Emergency room for the past 5 years and I am very happy with the experiences here. The clinic is very well run and organized with friendly and extremely competent staff. I have found the staff and community very welcoming and helpful with organizing locum accommodations and making me feel comfortable. The hospital is very well staffed with people that care immensely about patient care and they have always made my stay very enjoyable. This is an excellent community to work in. I can't recommend this community enough to other physicians looking for a happy and satisfying place to work."
  • Dr. Bill Pegg

    Toronto, ON. March 2017
    "I have been doing locums at the Chesley hospital for over 10 years. It is a good place to work: the patient volume is manageable, there is good nursing staff, the local physicians are supportive, and specialty consultation is readily available in Owen Sound or London. The recently built family health clinic is modern and well run. Chesley itself is in a beautiful rural area within easy reach of urban centres. I would encourage any physician looking for locum or permanent work to give Chesley a try."
  • Marg Sanborn MD CCFP FCFP

    April 2017
    "Work environment has always been important to me, and Chesley has for over 30 years provided a collaborative culture for me to work in - both among the physicians, and between doctors and the other health professionals at the clinic and hospital. You won't get lost in our small hospital - but you may find your favourite place to practise!"
  • Dr. Andree-Anne Cromp

    Montreal, QC. June 2017
    "I did a locum in Chesley for a few weeks during last winter and found it a very rewarding experience: well-run clinic and emergency department; efficient and amiable clinic staff; skilled, reliable and knowledgeable nursing staff as well as a helpful and collaborative group of physicians.

    And what can I say about the location of the village itself except it's gorgeous! Lots of outdoor activities only at a few minutes' drive. I definitely will be coming back."
  • Adam Gavsie, MD CFPC ABIM

    Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine,
    McGill University
    "I’ve spent a lot of time in Chesley over the last fifteen years providing locum coverage. The office and hospital staff are amazing and provide a really supportive environment in which to practice quality rural medicine. The surrounding area of Grey and Bruce counties are a wonderful treasure of Ontario. The pace of work is very reasonable and the collegiality of the team definitely fosters a great life work balance. I can’t recommend the community highly enough for anyone looking to start their career or change their practice. It has been my privilege to provide service to this community. "
  • Carling

    As a new grad, I had a wonderful 6 month locum experience in Chesley. The nursing and administrative staff at both the clinic and the hospital were supportive and always willing to help. The other
    physicians on site were available to discuss challenging cases with. I
    enjoyed working in an excellent team environment, and I completed the locum having made new friends. The work pace was very manageable, and the patients were a pleasure to care for. Recruitment organized several fun activities that enhanced my time there, and made sure I had everything needed to be comfortable. Many meals were enjoyed together with colleagues. Chesley is a lovely community and I would recommend it to any physician looking for a peaceful place to practice!

The Chesley Hospital & Clinic

Chesley Hospital

The SBGHC- Chesley site has 19 beds: 9 active, 5 Restorative Care and 5 new ALC. This includes Telemetry units and a Cardiac Care bed. The hospital runs a 24-hour ER as well.

In-patient Physio available. Diagnostic Imaging includes x-ray, ultrasound, Holter monitoring, ECG, and Spirometry. CT in Walkerton 20 mins away. PACS
Lab – blood drawn and sent to Walkerton Lab daily and PRN, with results back via EMR quickly. POC available.

The EMR is Citrix, Cerner and Power Chart and is connected to all hospitals in Grey Bruce.
Access to videoconferencing (OTN) and Clinical Connect.

The hospital is located directly beside the Chesley Medical Clinic.

Chesley Medical Clinic

The Chesley Clinic serves a catchment area of 10,000. The Clinic was expanded in 2012 providing 8,000 sq ft of space. Each physician has 2 fully equipped exam rooms and a communal office space.

Experienced staff include reception, scanning, billing and referral, nursing and an Office Manager.

The EMR is Practice Solutions (Telus)

The Brockton and Area Family Health Team has Allied Health Professionals within the clinic including an NP, RN Nurse Educator, Chiropodist, Dietitian, RT, Kinesiologist, and a Social Worker. Group Programs are also available.

Why Choose Chesley?

We are a rural - not remote - medical community that has many benefits to enhance and compliment your practice and lifestyle.

1. The clinic physicians believe in a co-operative and supportive work environment. The physician office space is a large communal space where you can easily ask for an informal consultation or just get to know your colleagues.

2. All of our physicians believe in a good life-work balance and participate in activities outside medicine.

3. You are able to design your own office and ER schedule. OBS is available but optional.

4. 21 OMAPS days are available, so your practice is easily covered by a locum.

5. The clinic, newly expanded in 2012 offers 8,000 sq. ft. of space with turn-key facilities and space for our Brockton and Area Family Health team colleagues. The Municipality does not charge a new physician rent for the first year.

6. Office has Practice Solutions (Telus) EMR.

7. Community is family oriented.

Visit us, try us… join our awesome team!


Medical Network

Our 4 site hospital (Chesley, Durham, Kincardine and Walkerton) provides many specialist clinics.

The Regional Referral Centre is Owen Sound, 40 minutes away and has over 50 specialists. The Tertiary centres are London and Kitchener.

After-hours Radiology Support is provided by London

Links & Resources

Let's Keep in Touch

Please feel free to contact us with further questions or to express your interest!
